Thursday, July 29, 2010

There are many times in a day that I worry about the path I've chosen. The college I'm going to, the major I have chosen, the things I plan to do after college. As of now, I have chosen music.

Some may not know this, but choosing to be a music major is risky business. The major is very demanding and requires a lot of credit hours along with hours of practice on whatever instrument is your primary focus. For me, this is the voice.

But besides my hesitance and doubt, God has proven always faithful leaving me with little moments of reminders. Little moments where I feel as though music is a part of my very soul. One of these moments occurred yesterday while I was playing the piano. I had been playing for about a half an hour and I seemed to playing everything beautifully and I found myself grinning from ear to ear as I played some of my favorite songs. Later that day I downloaded some of the music from Pride & Prejudice and one of the songs was so beautiful, that it literally brought tears to my eyes.

It's moments like those that I know I should not worry about the path I have chosen, for He is with me all along and I will be okay. All I have to do is listen and hear His earnest whispers.

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